whats a net cat
what's a net cat?
Magikarp Ground Mission
Magikarp Ground Mission
用題目給的 password 進到 server 內部
根據線索把 flag 接起來
wave a flag
Wave a flag
1$ file ./warm
1$ ./warm
1Hello user! Pass me a -h to learn what I can do!
1$ ./warm -h
obedient cat
Obedient Cat
1$ cat flag
2019 Trendmicro CTF Wildcard 400
2019 Trendmicro CTF Wildcard 400
這篇文章是我練習 2019 Trendmicro CTF Wildcard 400 這個題目時紀錄的解題筆記,我把一些參考資源放在文章最後面。
Permise ( 前情提要 )
You are a network security administrator for the medium sized business XYZcorp. You often use network flow data to uncover anomalous security events. This challenge provides some sample aggregated data on flows, and uses answers from the anomalous ( 反常的 ) events to construct the flag.
Knowledge of network security or protocols is not required. This challenge requires data ...
Heres a Libc
Here's a LIBC
Given 3 files : vuln , libc.so.6 , Makefile
Environment set up
Use pwninit to set up the enviroment. We got ld-2.27.so .
Patch vuln with ld-2.27.so .
Analyze vuln
file :
1234ELF 64-bit LSB executabledynamically linkedinterpreter ./ld-2.27.sonot stripped
checksec :
123456Arch: amd64-64-littleRELRO: Partial RELROStack: No canary foundNX: NX enabledPIE: No PIE (0x400000)RUNPATH: b'./'
A loop in main :
1234500400896 b8 00 MOV EAX,0x0 ...
Given 1 file : cat.jpg
Analyze cat.jpg
Use exiftool to analyze cat.jpg :
1exiftool ./cat.jpg
Found a string cGljb0NURnt0aGVfbTN0YWRhdGFfMXNfbW9kaWZpZWR9 .
Base64 decode and get the Flag
1echo "cGljb0NURnt0aGVfbTN0YWRhdGFfMXNfbW9kaWZpZWR9" | base64 -d
python wrangling
Python Wrangling
Given 3 files : ende.py , flag.txt.en , pw.txt
Analyze ende.py :
1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950import sysimport base64from cryptography.fernet import Fernetusage_msg = "Usage: "+ sys.argv[0] +" (-e/-d) [file]"help_msg = usage_msg + "\n" +\ "Examples:\n" +\ " To decrypt a file named 'pole.txt', do: " +\ "'$ python "+ sys.a ...
Symbolic Execution
Symbolic Execution Note
finding bugs, symbolic execution, EXE
Major source of security exploits.
Bugs ~ Exploit
maybe hard, but should assume it is possible
e.g., not buffer overrun is an exploit, but it maybe possible to exploit
Approaches To Finding Bugs
Verification : eliminate classes of bugs
Testing : known bugs
Fuzzing : unknown bugs
Symbolic Execution
Bugs 可能的類型:
Divide By Zero
Null Pointer Reference
Array Out-Of-Bound
App Specific
Goal : Find Deep Bugs
Ide ...
SROP Sigreturn-Oriented Programming
Signal 機制
Signal 機制 (軟中斷訊號、軟中斷) 是類 UNIX 系統中 process 之間相互傳遞信息的一種方法。比方說: process 之間可以通過 system 調用 kill 來發送值軟中斷信號。
步驟 1 :
Kernel 向某 process 發送 signal 機制,該 process 會暫時被 hang (掛起) ,進入 kernel 態。
步驟 2 :
Kernel 會為該 process 保存一些資訊,會把以下資訊壓入 stack 中:
所有 register 值。
Signal 信息。
指向 sigreturn 的系統調用位址。
此部分是在 user process 的 address area 。
之後會跳轉到 Signal Handler 中處理相應的 signal 。
Signal Frame 會因為架構的不同而不同。
步驟 3 :
當 Signal Handler 執行完之後, Signal Handler 返 ...